Ata YHVH, Elohey Yisrael, Avi.
(Bless You, YHVH - Elohim of Israel, my Father)
O YHVH - Elohey Yisrael,
Avi (my Father), my heart yearns to abide in Your tent and to dwell in Your Kadosh
(Holy/Set-Apart), hill. But You require, O El Tzid’kee (my Righteousness), that
I walk uprightly before You, doing works of righteousness. You ask me to speak the truth in my heart and
not to backbite or slander with my tongue, nor do evil to my neighbor.
I long to have your Torah
written on my heart, that I will not take up a reproach against a friend; but
will honor those who fear You, YHVH - El Gadol (Great God). I pray that my eye will despise a vile person,
and that I will never take a bribe against the innocent. If I can accomplish these few things, You
said Elohey Ya’acov, that I shall dwell in Your house and never be moved.
Hallelu-Yah!!! For You YHVH are Elohim. You are Elohey Yisrael, Elohey Avraham,
Yitzchak and Ya’acov. Avi the Almighty
Aprayer we could do with praying every day!