Thursday, March 20, 2025

Corporate Prayer Psalm 57

                            Baruch Ata YHVH, Elohey Yisrael, Avi’nu.

(Bless You, YHVH - Elohim of Israel, our Father)


Our soul trusts in You, El Ne’eman (Faithful God), and in the shadow of Your wings we will make our refuge until calamity passes by.  We will cry out to You, who performs all things for us.  Be merciful to us YHVH - Elohey Chesed (God of Mercy); be merciful to us, for You, Abba, Yeshua’tey’nu (our Salvation), will send from heaven and save us.  You will send forth Your mercy and Your truth.


You have seen how our soul is among lions; how we lie among the sons of men who are set on fire, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword.  They have prepared a net for our steps; they have dug a pit before us.  We pray that they themselves will fall into the midst of it. O M’gee’ney’nu (our Protector/Shield), our soul is bowed down; therefore reproach the ones who would want to swallow us up!


Be exalted, YHVH - El Elyon (Most High), above the heavens.  Let Your glory be above all the earth.  Awake, our glory!  Awake, lute and harp!  We will awaken the dawn.  We will praise You, Moshi’ey’nu (our Savior/Deliverer), among the peoples.  We will sing to You among the nations.  For Your mercy reaches unto the heavens, and Your truth unto the clouds.  May our heart be steadfast, O YHVH - Sit’rey’nu (our Hiding Place), may our heart be steadfast.  We will sing and give praise, exalting You above the heavens YHVH - El HaKavod (God of Glory), that Your glory will be above all the earth. Amen!


Sunday, March 16, 2025

Corporate Prayer Psalm 42

                                           Baruch Ata YHVH, Elohey Yisrael, Avi’nu.

   (Bless You, YHVH - Elohim of Israel, our Father)


As the deer pants for the water brooks, so yearns our soul for You, Elo’hey’nu (our God) Cha’ta’ney’nu (our Bridegroom).  Our soul thirsts for You, El Cha’ye’nu (our Life), for deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls.  You, YHVH are the only one true living Elohim.


O Abba Ba’sha’ma’yim (Father in Heaven), we used to go with the multitude.  We went with them to a building to worship You; We went with the congregation that kept Your feast days.  We even went with a voice of joy and praise.  But now because of the way our enemies reproach us, it is as if they are breaking our bones by continually calling out, and mockingly saying: “Where is your Elohim?  Where is Elohey Yisrael?”


Why does our soul feel so cast down?  Why are we so despondent?   Why do we go mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?  When we remember these things, we pour out our soul within us.   Our tears become our food day and night.  We will say to You, Sal’ey’nu (our Boulder/Rock), “Why have You forgotten us?”  All Your waves and billows have gone over us.  When will we again appear before You?


Elohey Shlo’mey’nu (our Peace), You will command Your lovingkindness, Your mercies in the daytime, and in the night Your faithfulness will be turned into a song within us.  Therefore we will remember You from the land of Yarden, from the Hill of Mitz’ar and from the Heights of Chermon.  For You, Yeshua’tey’nu (our Salvation), are the only help and hope for our soul.  Even though at times we are cast down, we will praise You and give You glory.

Friday, March 14, 2025

Corporate Prayer 34 (example)

                                                          PRAYER PSALM 34

                                          Baruch Ata Y’HoVaH, Elohey Yisrael, Avinu.
                                    (Bless You, Y’HoVaH - Elohim of Israel, our Father)

We will bless You, Abba, at all times, and Your praise shall continually be in our mouths.  Our soul shall make its boast in You Yeshua'tey'nu (our Salvation), and all those who are humble shall hear of it and be glad.  For when we humbly cry out and seek You El Go’aley'nu (our Redeemer), You hear us and will deliver us from all our fears and save us out of all our troubles.

We have tasted and have seen that You, YHVH, are good and that You have blessed us as we put our trust in You.  You even place Your angels around us to deliver us when we stand in awe of You.  When we look upon You, El Cha'ye'nu (our Life), we will not be ashamed, but our faces will be radiant with joy.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Prayer Psalm 91




Baruch Ata, YHVH, Elohey Yisrael, Avi.

(Bless You, YHVH - Elohim of Israel, my Father)


O YHVH - El Elyon (God Most High), if I dwell in Your secret place, then I shall abide under Your shadow, El Shaddai (God Almighty); for You are Miphla’tee (My Refuge) and M’tzuda’tee (my Fortress), Elee (My God), in Whom I will trust.


Surely You, Moshi’ee (my Savior/Deliverer), will deliver me from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.  You will cover me with Your feathers, and under Your wings I shall take refuge; Your truth is my shield and buckler.  I shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.   A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but it will not come near me.  I shall only look with my eyes and see the reward of the wicked.


Because I have made You, YHVH - Misga’bee (my Stronghold), my refuge and my dwelling place, no evil will befall me, nor will any plague come near my dwelling; for You, El Shaddai (God Almighty), have given Your angels charge over me to keep me in all my ways.  In their hands they will bear me up, lest I dash my foot against a stone.  I also shall be able to tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent I shall trample underfoot.


Because I have set my love upon You, Cha’ta’nee (my Bridegroom),

You will deliver me.  You will set me on high, because I have known Your name, YHVH - Yeshua’tee (my Salvation).  When I call upon You, Elohey Emet (God of Truth), You will answer me; You will be with me in trouble and You will deliver me.  You honor me with long life and will satisfy me with Your salvation.


Hallelu-Yah!!!  For You YHVH are Elohim.  You are Elohey Yisrael, Elohey Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya’acov.  Avi the Almighty reigns!

Friday, October 21, 2022

Prayer Psalm 56

 Be merciful to me, YHVH - Elohey Chesed (God of Mercy)My enemies hound me all day, for there are many who fight against me, they want to swallow me up; fighting all day they oppress me. O El Elyon (Most High), all day they twist my words; all their thoughts are against me for evil.  They gather together; they hide, they mark my steps when they lie in wait for my life.  Shall they escape by iniquity?  In anger cast down these peoples, Elee (My God), for You are M’gee’nee (my Protector/Shield).  My enemies will turn back when I cry out to You, Moshi’ee (my Savior/Deliverer); this I know because You are for me. You measure out my wanderings, and put my tears into Your skin flask, for are they not already written in Your book? Even vows made to You are binding upon me, O Shofet Tzedek (Judge of Righteousness); therefore I will render praises to You, El Tikvatee (my Hope), and whenever I am afraid I will trust in You. 

In You, Elohey Emet (God of Truth), I will praise Your Word, and in You, YHVH, I will put my trust; I will not fear, for what can the man of flesh do to me?  You are the only One that I can put my trust in and not be afraid.  For You, Mephal’tee (my Rescuer), have delivered my soul from death. You have kept my feet from falling, that I may walk before You in the light of the living.

Hallelu-Yah!!!  For You YHVH are Elohim.  You are Elohey Yisrael, Elohey Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya’acov.  Avi the Almighty reigns!

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Prayer Psalm 49

 O Abba, I pray that all peoples would give ear and all inhabitants of the world, low and high, rich and poor together, would hear and pay attention to You, their Creator.  For You have seen wise men die just like the fool and the senseless person. They trusted in their wealth and boasted in the multitude of their riches and their inner thoughts were that their houses would last forever, their dwelling places to all generations; they even call their lands after their own names.  But they don’t seem to understand that all will perish and leave their wealth, or whatever they have built up, to others.  For when they die they shall carry nothing away, their glory shall not descend after them.  A man, who is in his glory, yet without understanding, is like the beasts that perish.  They shall never see light.  This is the way of foolishness and all who approve of the same.  You will give to the upright dominion over them in the morning.


But You, Abba, have instructed me not to be afraid when others become rich, when the glory of their house is increased; though while they live they bless themselves, they shall go to the generation of their fathers.  The saddest part of all this is that none of them can by any means redeem his brother, or give to You, YHVH, a ransom for himself or even for others.  The ransom for their soul is very costly, and therefore such an attempt is futile.


Have mercy upon me, El Ra’chum (Merciful God). For even though I have honored myself, I know that I will not remain; I am like the beasts that perish.  Like a sheep laid in the grave, where death shall feed on it, so natural beauty is consumed in the grave, far from its dwelling.


But if You, YHVH – Go’alee (my Redeemer), will ransom me, I will live forever and will not see decay.  Therefore why should I fear in the days of evil, when iniquity is right on my heels and


surrounds me?  For You have redeemed my soul from the power of the grave and receive me unto Yourself through Your Son and Meshichi (my Messiah), Yeshua.


You are Ezree (my Help), and my mouth shall speak of Your wisdom and I will incline my ear to Your proverb, the dark sayings from of old.  Therefore You will give understanding to the meditation of my heart, so that I may take up the harp and sing the songs of Tziyon.

Sunday, August 21, 2022



Baruch Ata,

YHVH - Elohey Yisrael, Avi

(Bless You, YHVH - Elohim of Israel, my Father).


O YHVH - Elohey Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya’acov (God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), I praise You!  I will sing a new song of Your praise, in the assembly of the called-out ones.  We of Yisrael, who have been redeemed, rejoice in You, Bor’ey’nu (our Creator); we the children of Tziyon are joyful in You, Mal’keynu (our King).   We praise Your name, YHVH, with the dance; we sing praises to You with the timbrel and harp.  We will sing aloud on our beds and be joyful in glory.  For You, Elohey Yeshua’teynu (God of our Salvation), take pleasure in us, Your people; and You will beautify the humble among us with salvation.


O YHVH- Elohey Tzva’ot (God of the Armies), may we go out with Your high praises in our mouths and with two-edged swords in our hands; so that we may execute vengeance on the nations and punishment on the peoples; to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron; to execute on them the written judgment; this honor have all of us who are holy unto You, YHVH.  We praise You, YHVH - Elohey Avotey’nu (God of our Fathers)!


Hallelu-Yah!!!  For You, YHVH, are Elohim.  You are Elohey Yisrael, Elohey Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya’acov.  Avi the Almighty reigns!